More RMA reforms planned

Environment Minister Amy Adams has unveiled the next phase of the Government’s plan to revamp the resource management system, designed to speed up consent times and reduce costs.

Saturday, August 10th 2013, 12:00AM

by The Landlord

She said: "It must be remembered that the RMA is not just about environmental protection, it is also our planning law. Instead of enabling a strong housing supply, it is slowing development where it is desperately needed."

The Government will make a number of improvements to the RMA across planning, consenting and the provision of national direction.

Some of the main changes are:

· A requirement for councils to work together to develop a single plan, covering all the rules in their area.

· A new national planning template that sets out the structure and key content all councils must follow in the development of their resource management plans.

· New fast-track consenting rules and processes to improve timeframes for simpler consents.

· Enhanced provision for natural hazard management, learning the lessons from Canterbury.

· Requirements to better engage with local iwi in making planning decisions.

Adams said: “Taken together, the changes will streamline and improve decision-making at every level."

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