Inland Revenue KiwiSaver forum

Tuesday, October 3rd 2006, 9:00AM
Wellington: 3 October 2006, 9.30am – 1.00pm Duxton Hotel, 170 Wakefield Street
Auckland: 4 October 2006, 9.30am – 1.00pm Duxton Hotel, 100 Greys Avenue

This is the third in a series of forums intended for the saving and investment industry and potential KiwiSaver Scheme Providers.

The purpose of this forum is:

Inland Revenue KiwiSaver forum – registration details,
Interested attendees need to register by email to:, before 5pm on September 26 2006, and include the following details:

We will confirm registrations by return email.

Please note that it may be necessary to place a limit on the number of people attending from each organisation, to ensure that all interested parties can attend. As an indication, we request that no more than 3 people register from any one organisation.

If people cannot attend, but would like to receive notes from the forum, they should register their interest by email, also to


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