Nine to five no way to thrive

Q. On the topic of income splitting, raised last week, my question is: Why do people put down and tend to pick on people who are self-employed or running their own businesses?

Tuesday, November 15th 2005, 12:13AM

by The Landlord

I often wonder if we are doing the right thing. It would be nice sometimes to work from 9 to 5 and leave work behind at the end of the day. Our office is at home.

Quite frankly there is no end to the day and we often find ourselves scrounging holidays at the end of the year, realising we haven't had one.

We do earn way more money doing it this way and we will enjoy our retirement - if we are still alive.

I'm sure the lawyer who wrote last week is credible and enjoys working with his secretary. Why should people have different pay rates just because they are related?

The IRD would not look at any company where the Girl Friday (not related) is paid a hefty amount for a few hours' work.

The only difference you will find is that she/he will get their money in their hands, whereas a family member's may go straight back into the business.

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