FMA asks: What's your plan?
FMA is surveying advisers who are currently authorised to provide DIMS, to determine what action they plan to take after next month.
Thursday, April 23rd 2015, 6:00AM
by Susan Edmunds
As of May 31, all advisers need to have done something to remain on the right side of the new rules.
Those who want to offer class DIMS must have applied for a licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act. Those offering personalised DIMS need to file an updated ABS, for the FMA to determine whether they are capable of providing personalised DIMS services under the new, more stringent rules.
Despite time running out to take action, very few applications for either class or personalised DIMS have been received.
The FMA said it had approved two class DIMS licences, has another five being processed and is dealing with one application to provide personalised DIMS.
This week it sent a emailed survey to advisers, asking those who are currently authorised to provide DIMS what they intend to do.
The survey is not anonymous.
Advisers are asked to reply by May 1.
FMA spokesman Andrew Park said there were 900 AFAs authorised for DIMS but fewer than 600 had indicated they were providing DIMS in June last year.
Adivser Murray Weatherston said it seemed that no one wanted to be first with their DIMS decision. “They’ll only move when they have to.”
More SiFA members had indicated they were going to apply for a DIMS licence than the handful the FMA had received, he said, so there were likely more applications that were yet to reach the FMA.
He said the process did not seem to be one that could be done quickly. “You wouldn’t want to start on your application process by 3pm if you have to have it filled in by 5pm.”
Park said the FMA would follow up with those who took no action and it was recommending that people who did not intend to offer DIMS after the end of May updated their ABS accordingly.
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Comments from our readers
Here is the FMA’s plan: regulate independent financial advisers out of business, work for FMA for two years then join Westpac.
I currently provide DIMS but will be deregistering, and in doing so the FMA will charge me for the pleasure of reducing the service I provide to clients and the administrative efficiency we previously enjoyed. Why not put that bill off till later?
So with more work, more cost, less service to clients, and more administrative overhead, I’m hardly going to waste my time pandering to the FMA’s ‘survey’ to assist them in making my life more difficult than they already have.
i am curious to know how many in fma have ever been a self-employed adviser.
• How do you get exposure to international stocks – using funds or individual shares? At the FMA we want to understand how advisors recommending individual stocks achieve the degree of diversification needed.
• Do you have an investment banking arm and how do you ensure that investment banking doesn’t dominate retail? Then I would say “we at the FMA want to understand how vertically integrated firms manage the inherent risk that one client will be put further first than the other”.
• What level of total average annual fee is implicit in your financial plan? Then the FMA should say “at the FMA we want to understand that asset allocation and risk profiling is not dominated by the need to achieve a reasonable return after fees at advisory firms which charge relatively high annual fees”.
These are just some random thoughts in no order of importance. The obvious downside of this approach is that the career path of any FMA employee that honestly embraced a “put clients’ interests first” policy would be limited.
advisers just have to bear with this indefinite experiential ride or leave the industry. and i want to to leave that's why i'm looking for a job. unfortunately, my qualifications, experience and age don't seems to be of any value to the HR people.
i've attended seminars / conferences and and have stop now. because the trouble was virtually speakers were talking about statistics, statistics and more statistics. we all know the problem, but where's the SOLUTION? that's what nobody was talking about. don't you think it requires practical experience just as much as statistics to get the right solution?
i applied for the jobs so that i could contribute back to the industry. but not to worry, i won't ever apply for another job at fma again.
Your comment provides some balance to these discussions. We certainly needed to change this industry as things got very bad with finance company debentures just the latest mis-selling scandal. However as you acknowledge things could have been done better and perhaps one reason things could have been done better is due to the lack of “coal face” experience at the FMA. This is, for example, the reason the restructuring process was totally captured by industry at the start … remember what happened at the Code Committee earlier on. Lack of experience is the reason many of the worst advisers escaped having to do much re-training to become an AFA whilst people like myself who never recommended finance company debentures but unfortunately weren’t in the loop had to waste hundreds of hours on irrelevant non-learning.
I am sure you are right that the FMA staff are hard-working and have the highest levels of integrity but that is no substitute for lack of knowledge. Let’s look at the Board, accountants are represented, economists, professional directors (god help us), lawyers, goodness me we even have a fund manager on the Board. All have great smiles and perfect teeth but their background is institutional banking at best, not retail banking.
Look at the Executive Team, no retail experience, lots of lawyers but from memory they aren’t allowed to give financial advice. I am sure they are all trying hard and have experience in mergers and acquisitions but would I trust any of them to critique a financial plan being sold to my mother? I don’t think so.
In NZ and overseas institutional banking dominates retail and it’s the same at the FMA. In this environment the only people who are able to criticise the system are the independents who don’t work for full service banking institutions.
This reflects that I liked and respected my FMA colleagues. I think it’s great that there’s debate and that you care about the profession and are prepared to express your views.
Having said that, I’d prefer not to respond to your other comments in this forum. I’d be happy to have an off-line discussion so feel free to get in touch.
and for those advisers/HR who says the regulations have made it more difficult to recruit new advisers. you are correct, because my son wanted to go into this business and i strongly discouraged him.
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