Edge Mortgages switches groups again
Two of the biggest mortgage writers in the Kepa Group have switched camps and moved to New Zealand Financial Services Group.
Friday, May 29th 2015, 3:47PM
Earlier this month Edge Mortgage advisers Glen McLeod and Jon Purdey moved across to NZFSG. This is their second move in as many years.
Prior to joining Kepa (then called TNP) Edge Mortgages ran a joint venture with Newpark known as Newpark Broker Group.
McLeod says one of the attractions of NZFSG is that there was a good peer group of large mortgage writers to work and network with. He says Kepa has some very good advisers, but "we want to challenge ourselves a week bit more."
NZFSG numbers amongst its ranks mortgage writers like Bruce Patten, John Bolton and Kris Pedersen.
McLeod says the move to Kepa was "the correct move at the time," but now it was right to move again.
The group switch co-incides with a change in business model for Edge Mortgages. Previously the company had tried to grow the number of advisers to help grow the business. Now McLeod and Purdie have decided to concentrate on their work as advisers and add more support staff.
Since they made they change they have "more than doubled their figures" and have far more interaction with their clients.
McLeod says an added advantage of the move is that they get access to BNZ products through NZFSG. While it wasn't the primary driver of the decision to move, it is "a big thing for our clients," he says.
He said BNZ had a good product range and had some lending criteria which was different to other lenders.
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