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Associations should step up to help consumers find advisers: Boyle

Adviser associations and other industry groups should be doing more to inform consumers of how they can access advice, the Commission for Financial Capability says.

Thursday, December 10th 2015, 6:00AM 7 Comments

by Susan Edmunds

It has released a survey today, of people using its Sorted website, that shows a quarter of respondents did not know how to find or choose a professional adviser.

The same number were worried if they did use an adviser, they might be sold something they did not need.

Almost half had never used an adviser.

Another survey, done in conjunction with the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) showed just over 60% of respondents had never dealt with a financial adviser.

The main reason that 62% of respondents said they were likely to seek advice was if they received an unexpected sum of money. Only 21% said that being close to retirement was a good reason for doing so.

Trust was the most important consideration for 93% when choosing an adviser, while 84% were concerned with how well the advisers disclosed any links between themselves and the products they recommended.

Qualifications and experience and customer service were ranked higher than costs or fees as reasons for choosing an adviser, but still 70% of respondents said remuneration was an important consideration.

Liam Mason, director of regulation at the FMA, said: “These survey results show that people do feel there are real barriers to accessing the financial advice or support they would like and they are not certain their interests are being put first when it comes to the type of service they are receiving.

“The concerns coming through these surveys confirm the issues that have been raised in the review of the legislation surrounding financial advice. We encourage the public and all sections of the industry to get involved in the review and make their own submissions on the options that have been proposed to improve the current regulations.”

CFFC group manager of investor education David Boyle said most people did not know what an AFA was and more help was needed to point them in the direction of an adviser.

"That's got to be part of the solution as we progress the future of advice. Where do I go first, how do I find an adviser?"

He said it was something the CFFC would be considering its role in and adviser associations would also have a part to play. "Seeing how they could look to promote their advisers and their reputation."

Boyle said it could be possible to follow the Australian example, where a register was established last year to help consumers identify the right adviser for their needs. "But people need to know about it for it to be effective an dhow do you keep it up-to-date?"

Adviser Murray Weatherston said: "I'm not sure what else we're supposed to do. What do you do when you want a dentist or a doctor? Maybe advisers are our own worst enemy because there's this attitude that 'unless you have half a million to invest, it's not even worth coming to see me'."

Tags: Commission for Financial Capability financial advisers

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Comments from our readers

On 10 December 2015 at 7:20 am Pragmatic said:
The industry must be prepared for the inevitable onslaught of enquiry the will come, as wealth & kiwisaver balances grow. If offshore trends are any indicator, consumers will be prepared to pay a premium for bespoke / tailored advice.
On 10 December 2015 at 10:25 am LPL said:
Many of the reasons people have concerns about financial advice are actually addressed/answered in an advisers Disclosure statement.

An interesting point in the survey and not mentioned here though is:
Nearly half (46%) of the 1,762 people questioned have never used a financial adviser and, of those who had, 74% hadn’t paid for it.

74% of people haven't paid for it. Now that is a very concerning statistic. Does that mean they got it for free or they purchased something that included a commission and they just didn't know? As an industry the culture needs to change; getting paid and the person getting charged knowing it, are both really important. Of course all bank employees provide "free" advice so this is always likely to skew any results.
On 10 December 2015 at 1:35 pm CathyM said:
LPL - why do you assume that if the client got it for "free" as you put it, that they didn't know? You're correct in saying that as an industry the culture needs to change - we all need to stop stabbing each other in the back! The other assumption you make that isn't correct is "all bank employees provide free advice" - which isn't true. We all need to recognise that advisers provide a valuable service albeit in different ways. It's time we collaborated and supported each other to stop the public getting the wrong connation about financial advisers. We are in a profession and its time we all acted like it!
On 10 December 2015 at 7:57 pm John Milner said:
Earth to David Boyle; most associations are broke or don't have endless resources that you have obviously become accustomed to over the last few years. This can probably be said of most adviser associations globally. My understanding is that even groups in the USA struggle to fund educating and promoting to the public. Whether there is any point promoting the difference between AFA and RFA is debatable as they probably won't exist in their current form for any meaningful duration anyway.
On 11 December 2015 at 2:53 pm LPL said:
CathyM, I think you need to re-read my post. In the meantime, can you provide an example of how a bank employee explains to a customer how they get paid?

Let's say when someone goes into the bank and the bank employee says why don't you switch your KiwiSaver over here? At what point does the conversation cover how the bank employee will get paid for convincing someone to take such advice?
On 12 December 2015 at 12:24 pm Murray Weatherston said:
Let me have a go at answering LPL's question
A bank employee advising or selling the bank's (assumed QFE) own product is not subject to the Code of Practice for Authorised Financial Advisers.
Because it doesn't apply to SIFAs members, I haven't studied disclosure requirements for QFE employees, but in an attempt to draw out informed comment, let me stick my neck out and say that I don't think the bank employee actually has to disclose their conflicts of interest at all. If I'm wrong, given the wide readership of GR, there will be a pretty quick response to correct this debate.
On 14 December 2015 at 12:16 pm CathyM said:
LPL made the statement that "all" bank employees provide free advice. There are also AFAs working in the banking enviornment, providing advice, charging for financial plans and disclosing fees and remuneration like all AFA's do. Those are the advisers working for a bank that I was referring to.

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Last updated: 10 February 2025 9:17am

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