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State houses for sale

The Government has put out a call for expressions of interest in buying states houses in Tauranga and Invercargill.

Monday, November 23rd 2015, 1:30PM 1 Comment

by Miriam Bell

Housing New Zealand Minister Bill English

Around 1,124 state houses in Tauranga and 348 state houses in Invercargill are being offered for sale to registered Community Housing Providers (CHPs).

The sales are part of the government’s controversial social housing reform programme.

Housing New Zealand minister Bill English said he is looking forward to seeing innovative proposals from social housing providers interested in the properties.

“We are also looking for providers who want to expand their operation and grow their capability in a sustainable way, while making the most of their expertise in enhancing links across community-based social services to provide better outcomes for tenants.”

While the sales are only open to registered CHPs, there is scope for private investors to get involved in the provision of social housing.

English has said that registered CHPs could partner with other organisations to acquire and develop social housing.

Alternatively, a private provider could become a registered CHP itself – if it undertakes the correct process through the Community Housing Regulatory Authority

However, the social housing reform programme is not a universally popular one.

Not only do the Labour Party and the Green Party oppose it, but some major CHPs have announced they will not be participating in the sales and transfer process.

The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have both said they don’t have the necessary resources to take on such a big job.

On the other hand, Tauranga Moana-Te Puke Housing Consortium is interested in buying all the houses in Tauranga and Te Puke for joint ownership by the three local iwi.

Accessible Properties is also thought to be interested in buying the Tauranga properties.

Both Consortium spokesperson Victoria Kingi and Accessible Properties general manager Andrew Wilson have previously said they are open to working with private investors or groups – providing they could show they would provide better value for social housing tenants.

Meanwhile, English said market feedback has indicated the transactions should be completed in the second half of next year.

“At the request of potential providers, we’ve extended the procurement period by about 12 weeks to allow them more time to understand the opportunity and form bidding consortia if necessary.”

More information on the Tauranga sales is available here, while information on the Invercargill sales can be found here.

Interested parties have to register their interest at by February 9, 2016.

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Comments from our readers

On 26 November 2015 at 6:46 pm Wasabe said:
As the owner of a property between two HNZ properties in Tauranga, I can only hope that the new landlords are substantially better than HNZ, and I hope before this sale proceeds that HNZ repair the damage their tenants have done to my property. Something they have continued to avoid for a number of years. Pretty much the same level of avoidance as the local police.

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Last updated: 18 February 2025 10:02am

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