A record high for New Zealand Super Fund
The NZ Super Fund has returned 11.9% after costs and before New Zealand tax for 2023.
Wednesday, September 13th 2023, 11:56AM
by Andrea Malcolm

The fund’s value increased by $9.7 billion to $65.4 billion, a record high for the year end.
The result followed strong performance by global share markets during the first half of this year, the NZ Super Fund said in a statement.
The global recovery in share prices meant the results were slightly behind the fund’s reference portfolio benchmark of 12%.
But, it exceeded its Treasury Bill return benchmark, a measure of the cost to the government of paying into the fund, by 8.1% or $4.7 billion.
Matt Whineray, CEO of the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation, which manages the NZ Super Fund, said “In FY2022, equities and bonds both performed poorly – an uncommon scenario – and our active management strategies contributed significantly to our final result. This year, global equities performed very well, and the Super Fund slightly underperformed the reference portfolio.”
Whineray said the growth-oriented nature of the portfolio meant the fund’s returns would vary from year-to-year, as would the performance of individual investments.
“What matters to a long-term investor like us is total fund performance over time. Over the life of the Super Fund our active investment strategies have generated $15.1 billion more than a passive, index-linked strategy would have achieved.
““The Super Fund remains heavily weighted to equities, but where we see an opportunity to diversify, optimise risk settings and add value through active investment strategies, we will take it,” ge said.
Whineray said the global investing environment remained challenging.
“Core inflation remains high in many markets, leaving open the possibility of further interest rate rises. At the very least, it would seem any decrease in interest rates may be more gradual and further away than might have been expected.
“Our expectation is that will lead to lower returns overall as central banks prioritise reducing inflation over fostering economic growth; however, we are confident the Super Fund will continue to add value for New Zealanders.”
Whineray also cited geopolitical tensions driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and concerns regarding China’s economy, with the renminbi recently hitting a 16-year low, as issues of real concern.
He said the Super Fund’s sovereign wealth fund status and its long investment horizons gave it access to opportunities not available to others and allowed it to ride out, and even take advantage of, a volatile investing environment.
Guardians chair Catherine Drayton said the end of September marks 20 years since the first investments by the NZ Super Fund. In the intervening years, $15.5 billion in net contributions have grown into a $65 billion pool of assets.
She said Whineray, who earlier this year announced he would leave the Guardians at Christmas time, had played a large part in the Super Fund’s success.
“In his five years as CEO, and previously as Chief Investment Officer, Matt has helped to shape a culture of excellence that has produced outstanding results over the long term and developed outstanding people.
“That was again demonstrated earlier this year, when international sovereign wealth fund experts GlobalSWF awarded the Super Fund a perfect score in its GSR (governance, sustainability, resilience) scoreboard and also named it the past decade’s best financial performer of 50 sovereign wealth funds, with an annualised return of 12.1 percent between FY13 and FY22.”
Drayton said the search for Whineray’s replacement was proceeding, and the Board hoped to make a further announcement regarding this later in the year.
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