Scrap designations and replace with advisers and sales people
The current designations for financial advisers should be scrapped and replaced with two new groups, advisers and distributors, Barry Read says.
Wednesday, July 8th 2015, 6:00AM
by Susan Edmunds
Read, who runs consultancy firm IDS, says advisers would give advice and have a fiduciary responsibility to clients, while the distributors would be product sellers.
There would be an element of buyer-beware with the distributors, he says.
“Some people are happy to be sold a product,” he says.
The advisers could be licenced in any category, such as wealth management, investment, life insurance and mortgages, and they would be monitored.
He said establishing a group of advisers is similar to the way the Financial Markets Conduct Act requires licensing of class DIMS providers and managed investment schemes.
“You could divide it so there are those that want to do advice and planning and they could be licence-holders. Others would represent a product provider, whether that is one or multiple.”
That would mean consumers going to a product provider representative would know that they could get help but the advice they would get would not be as full or non-conflicted as that of a licensed adviser.
Read said that was sensible because many QFE advisers, such as bank staff, were already in a situation where they were unlikely to recommend that a customer did not move to their own products.
“They should be able to have an adviser in there giving good advice but consumers should know that it is conflicted in some way and take it with a grain of salt. The licensed ones would be ones who aren’t with a product provider.”
He said once that split was tidied up it would be easier to make decisions around standards and regulations.
“If consumer confidence is the most important thing you want to easily state to them ‘if you’re making the decision yourself and you just want help, go to a product provider’. If they want advice, and recommendations that are in your best interests, you need to know who [the licensed advisers are] quite clearly from the others.”
It would be a benefit to the entire industry when they could just “get on with it” and focus on their businesses, not regulation, he said.
He said many of the problems identified, such as churning of insurance products and conflicts of interest, would disappear with such a structure.
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Especially if that 3rd party has distribution rights with multiple manufacturers. If I am being sold a product provided by Insurer A, by a person who works for Insurer A then fine, I understand I am being sold a product, but as soon as I walk into Bank B and am discussing my financial affairs with a Bank B employee who recommends I take a policy with Insurer A, I could rightly assume that I was receiving advice.
The same goes for "independent" distributors. I could pull out a business card with 6 Insurer logos on it and "sell" a policy as a distributor without having to adhere to the same standards as "Advisers".
Your argument is naive - no rational person, inside or outside the advice industry, believes that the two approaches are equivalent. It's logically impossible for every product supplier who only suppliers their own products to advisors to claim it is "best of class". Therefor their advisors cannot be fulfilling their fiduciary duty, unless they clearly disclaim that away by clearly stating that they are tied to one supplier. And I haven't even opened the commission/salary/bonuses can of worms.
Will wait to see some details, but certainly the more positive option raised yet.
Let me assist: when I go to my doctor, should I receive the most appropriate solution for me or for the doctor?
Or do I want doctor #2 who says I've got this treatment. It is fantastic. It also happens to be the only treatment my employer lets me use. If it doesn't work we'll just persevere with it and keep using it. Oh and by the way my employer makes money when I prescribe it.
Are you really suggesting the advice offered by doctor #2 is as good as the advice offered by doctor #1?
I go to a doctor for the best solution to a problem. The doctor recommends the most appropriate solution for me - not him, nor his employer or supplier
I'm unsure what part of that is a mystery
Do you think the consumer is really going to understand that they aren't getting advice and may not be getting what is really suitable for them.
What? Are we going in reverse here?
Banks and large insurance companies already have an advantage with respect to name recognition. Many of them are QFEs so they regulate themselves.
Now you're basically going to allow them to offer unsuitable (and perhaps expensive) products without any consequence? That's unleashing wolves among the sheep.
That is nonsensical as it is impossible for someone tied to a particular product supplier to achieve the same fiduciary standard as a true independent AFA. If the former can only offer a choice of (say) 5 balanced funds all provided by his employer then how can they claim to meet the fiduciary duty of care they have to a a client which is to provide the best product for the investor on the market, not the best product their employer allows them to offer.
There should be a different designation between AFA's who are free to recommend the products that best fit their customers needs, irrespective of the source of that product, and salespeople advisors, who merely offer the products their employer allows them to. Yet to the public they look the same - proposals and plans and disclosure statements and graphs etc, but one has no chance whatsoever of meeting a true fiduciary duty.
I'd go so far as to say the second type is a Clayton's AFA, the "independent" advisor you have when you aren't really having independent advice.
Got to also wonder why advisers outside the QFE network don't even get to be interviewed for an FMA job application.
Are these actions to the interest of consumers or is there a conflict of interest? Just asking.
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As all industry folks have a fiduciary duty, then all distributors / advisers / salespeople etc should operate within a single designation. I'd opt for AFA as the acronym, with AFAs promoting themselves as specialists (or generalists) in certain fields. Irrespective of this, each AFA must have minimum qualifications to operate (ie: without grandfathering), and must achieve a required level of continuing education
I'm sure that there'll be many objectors to this, although it's time that the industry started operating as one to maintain & grow consumer confidence.