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Last Article Uploaded: Saturday, January 18th, 10:00PM


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Economists split on RBNZ OCR cut: How much will the Reserve Bank lower rates in February?

Debate among economists is starting to emerge on how much the RBNZ will cut the OCR at its next review on 19 February.

Friday, January 17th, 9:01AM

Debate among economists is starting to emerge on how much the RBNZ will cut the OCR at its next review on 19 February.

The major banks’ economists are mainly picking 0.50%. This is the number the RBNZ predicted it will cut by at its last meeting last year, but former BNZ economist Tony Alexander says it could now be as little as 0.25%.

He bases this projection on two issues – underlying ...MORE»

Retail investors seeking US exposure as confidence returns

Thursday, January 16th, 9:08AM

Sharesies’ latest data shows a return in retail investor confidence in the final months of 2024 with investors continuing to look for US exposure via ETF.


New non-bank deposit taker to court advisor networks

Tuesday, January 14th, 1:36PM

The first company to be granted a non-bank deposit taker license by the Reserve Bank in nearly a decade says it will look to build strategic partnerships with advisor networks as it develops the lending side of its business.


FMA tests legal waters on eligible investor exclusion

Wholesale investors will likely need to provide more detailed evidence of their eligibility if the Financial Markets Authority receives support for its position on eligible investor exclusion from the High Court. 

Monday, January 13th, 12:16PM  2 comments

Wholesale investors will likely need to provide more detailed evidence of their eligibility if the Financial Markets Authority receives support for its position on eligible investor exclusion from the High Court. 

The FMA has filed a case stated proceeding, seeking the court’s view on the use, confirmation and acceptance of eligible investors certificates. Certification helps prove an investor ...MORE»

Market ends week down but Briscoe shares up despite lower earnings guidance

Friday, January 10th, 6:32PM

Leading retailer Briscoe Group downgraded its annual earnings by 10% on “continued subdued trading” as the New Zealand sharemarket ended a quiet week with a small fall.


Simple still best amid growing investment literacy

Friday, January 10th, 6:00AM

KiwiSaver members will likely be keeping a closer eye on their balances as their pot grows but for most a straightforward management approach remains the best fit, says Milford Asset Management’s Head of KiwiSaver and Retail.


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New Partnership to Upskill New Zealand’s Financial Capability Workforce

Friday, January 17th, 12:41PM

A new partnership between Massey University’s Financial Education and Research Centre (Fin-Ed Centre) and the Booster Foundation aims to address gaps in New Zealand’s financial advice sector. MORE»

GoodReturns TV

[GRTV] Stronger and more unified voice needed to force KiwiSaver changes

Friday, September 27th, 6:21AM

The Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson talks to Philip Macalister about changes she would like to see made to KiwiSaver. MORE»


Devon Funds 2025 Predictions

Friday, January 17th, 11:15AM

While a new year is already underway, it is early days. This makes it still a timely point to wheel out the crystal ball and engage in the well-established tradition of making big-picture predictions on developments and factors that will shape markets and investment portfolios in the year ahead. MORE»

Insurance Centre Sponsored by: 

New life insurance company coming

Wednesday, January 8th, 8:17AM  1 comment

A new life insurance company is planning to launch later this year and has already made some senior hires. MORE»

TMM Online

Economists split on RBNZ OCR cut: How much will the Reserve Bank lower rates in February?

Friday, January 17th, 9:01AM

Debate among economists is starting to emerge on how much the RBNZ will cut the OCR at its next review on 19 February. MORE»

People and Events Sponsored by: 

Chubb Life appoints chief actuary

Monday, January 13th, 5:06PM

Harvard Business School alumnus and President of New Zealand Society of Actuaries joins Chubb Life New Zealand. MORE»

KiwiSaver Sponsored by: 

Appeal of one-stop shop helps drive Sharesies’ KiwiSaver growth

Friday, January 17th, 10:46AM

Sharesies is a recent arrival on the KiwiSaver scene but says it’s finding favour with customers who access all their investments in one place. MORE»

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