Articles tagged with 'CCCFA'
Bank resourcing should have been a ComCom recommendation
8 January 2025 - Squirrel Mortgages chief executive David Cunningham wonders whether the Commerce Commission should have made bank resourcing one of its recommendations in the bank competition study completed last year to ensure a level playing field.
Differing views on latest CCCFA reforms
6 September 2024 - There are some differing views on the latest CCCFA changes announced this week, but one thing sector players agree on is that "the devil will be in the detail."
First prosecution under CCCFA
28 August 2024 - TSB has copped a $2.47 million penalty for historic breaches of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Bankers’ personal liabilities under CCCFA to remain
5 August 2024 - Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly is retaining the CCCFA’s director and senior management liability provisions.
CCCFA changes welcomed, but more needed
2 August 2024 - The Financial Services Federation (FSF) says the removal of the one-size-fits-all CCCFA consumer lending regulations is a step in the right direction to help improve access to credit for consumers, but there’s more to be done.
New code brings commonsense to lending - FSF
3 July 2024 - Lenders are happy the new Responsible Lending Code has landed with no nasty surprises.
CCCFA changes could remove personal liability on directors and senior managers
29 May 2024 - The changes the government is considering making to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) aren't the things that have made headlines, such as coffee and Netflix habits disqualifying borrowers from getting mortgages, since changes to the law came into effect in December 2021.
CCCFA changes not a complete panacea
24 April 2024 - Unwinding the impact of all the 2021 CCCFA changes probably won’t happen, says David Cunningham, Squirrel Mortgage chief executive.
CCCFA reaction: a return to common sense
22 April 2024 - The dumping of 11 pages of overly prescriptive affordability regulations under the CCCFA are a welcome return to common sense, the Financial Services Federation (FSF) says.
Govt says it is going to get easier to get a home loan
22 April 2024 - Ministers have, over the weekend, announced their first changes to CCCFA.
Fair outcomes could be another CCCFA fiasco
8 April 2024 - The FMA’s proposed fair outcomes guidance risks becoming another Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act situation, says the Boutique Investment Group.
Small businesses warned about loans
8 April 2024 - As more small Kiwi businesses fall behind on debt payments they are being reminded to seek advice before applying for loans as the protections under the CCCFA only apply to consumer loans.
Changes to CCCFA and CoFI open opportunities
31 January 2024 - Financial Advice New Zealand says the government’s changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) will give lenders the opportunity to streamline their processes and also allow financial advisers to help more Kiwis into homes.
CCCFA wrecking ball to be turned on its head
31 January 2024 - Big changes are looming for the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) legislation.
Mortgage lending should be removed from CCCFA
29 November 2023 - If ever there was a law designed to do good but in need of a rewrite, it is the CCCFA.
Do advisers need another association?
9 November 2023 - Financial Advice NZ chief executive Katrina Shanks questions whether there is room for another adviser association in New Zealand.
Changes can’t come fast enough
18 October 2023 - Mortgage advisers are keen to see if the incoming government will scrap or make changes to the CCCFA within its first 100 days.
Will repealing the CCCFA be enough?
9 October 2023 - Borrowers appear to be coping as mortgages roll off lower to higher interest rates. Centrix August data show the number of home loans in arrears fell for the third consecutive month to 1.25%, down from 1.26% in July.
Loosening CCCFA rules might not be enough
21 August 2023 - Although the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) rules can be changed, it might be more difficult to transform the culture within banks, says National’s Commerce and Consumer Affairs spokesman Andrew Bayly.
National plans to stop banks’ intrusive questions to borrowers
17 August 2023 - A National-led government will make significant changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Fatigued finance sector wondering about another CCCFA review
9 August 2023 - Another review of the controversial Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) is to be carried out.
National MP Andrew Bayly’s to-do list of four
13 July 2023 - Three months out from the election, National Party finance spokesperson Andrew Bayly has honed his to-do list to four issues should he find himself in government.
Government has another go at tweaking CCCFA
13 April 2023 - The Government has had a third go at fixing the rules around the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Small CCCFA relief to relief to storm victims
14 February 2023 - The Government has moved to ease the impact of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) on storm damaged properties.
Financial services not smothered in red tape: new Minister
8 February 2023 - The new Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs believes the finance industry shares some of the blame for problems with the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
New commerce minister blames industry for CCCFA
3 February 2023 - The new minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs thinks the finance industry must share responsibility for problems with the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Commerce minister tipped to leave parliament
9 December 2022 - The financial community will be watching closely to see if the predicted departure of their most significant cabinet minister goes ahead as is thought likely.
Clark defends CCCFA but wins little support
17 November 2022 - The Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has mounted a strong defence of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) but he won little traction from his audience.
Former Prime Minister John Key lambasts CCCFA
31 October 2022 - The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) has come in for a sound drubbing from the former Prime Minister, Sir John Key. [READ ON] ...
Sir John Key lambasts CCCFA
31 October 2022 - The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) has come in for a sound drubbing from the former Prime Minister, Sir John Key.
Banks should not get special treatment
8 September 2022 - After National Party leader Christopher Luxon said banks would be removed from CCCFA, non- banks and finance companies have responded. [Read ON] Financial...
Non banks and finance companies say banks should not get special treatment
7 September 2022 - Non-bank lenders and finance companies say they object to being left out of National Party plans to reform the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Banks to be removed from CCCFA under National
6 September 2022 - National Party leader Christopher Luxon has proposed removing the major banks from the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) if elected.
[WATCH] What National would do to fix CCCFA
1 September 2022 - National Party deputy leader and finance spokesperson Nicola Willis explains what the party will and won’t do to fix issues around housing and lending.
CCCFA changes wrong: Bankers Association; BNZ joins rate cutters
4 August 2022 - The Bankers Association suggests real opportunities have been missed in the latest proposed reforms to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA)...
Second tranche of CCCFA changes announced
2 August 2022 - The Government has unveiled a second tranche of proposed changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Second tranche of CCCFA reform due out of the end of this month
12 July 2022 - The second stage of proposed changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) is still being examined by the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, David Clark.
New CCCFA rules could lead to fictitious budgets
7 July 2022 - On the day that the changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) come into effect, some unexpected dissent has emerged.
CCCFA changes finally revealed
9 June 2022 - Preliminary changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) have been unveiled
Changes to CCCFA finally revealed
6 April 2022 - A draft version of proposed changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) has just been released by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
MBIE gives timeline for CCCFA reforms
25 March 2022 - The next stage in the reform of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) Regulations and the Responsible Lending Code will be made public early next month.
Tweaking CCCFA changes won’t rescue housing market from price falls
18 March 2022 - There are bigger forces at play than just the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA), such as rapidly rising inflation here and abroad when it comes to the housing market, says Jeremy Couchman, Kiwibank’s senior economist.
CCCFA changes need to go further – Bankers Association
14 March 2022 - The Bankers Association welcomes changes announced last week to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) but says they do not go far enough.
Mortgage advisers welcome CCCFA reform, but more detail needed
11 March 2022 - Brokers are welcoming changes just announced to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
A win for borrowers; CCCFA changes won
11 March 2022 - Cabinet agrees to CCCFA reform.
CCCFA hitting the wrong target
3 March 2022 - New data shows the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) has actually harmed financially sound borrowers the most. [Read On] ...
Solid borrowers, not the vulnerable, hurt most by CCCFA – report
3 March 2022 - New data shows the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) has actually harmed financially sound borrowers the most.
CCCFA enquiry inches forward
15 February 2022 - The team looking into the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) say they expect to have completed a draft report completed this week as scheduled.
Bank chief lays out CCCFA changes that are needed
10 February 2022 - ASB chief executive Vittoria Shortt details how the CCCFA laws should be changed.
CCCFA terms released; Bank bosses summoned to Beehive
31 January 2022 - The government has approved Terms of Reference for an enquiry into the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA), after earlier suggesting they would not be necessary.
CCCFA enquiry might have terms of reference afterall
26 January 2022 - The enquiry into the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) might have terms of reference after all.
Mortgage advisers closely watching CCCFA enquiry
18 January 2022 - Mortgage advisers are pleased the Government has requested an enquiry into the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) but insist it must be robust and look closely at the wording and intent of the Act itself.
Minister orders enquiry into CCCFA
14 January 2022 - Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs David Clark has acknowledged concerns with the CCCFA and ordered an enquiry.
CCCFA “not understood” by politicians
10 January 2022 - The ACT Party believes the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) was not properly understood when it went through parliament and is now asking for a review.
Industry wants minister's ear over CCCFA
23 December 2021 - Financial Advice New Zealand is seeking an urgent meeting with the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs as the impact of the CCCFA continues to snowball.
Petition launched against CCCFA
15 December 2021 - Squirrel boss John Bolton is getting good support for his petition to change the controversial Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Robertson defends CCCFA changes
6 December 2021 - The Minister of Finance has mounted a defence of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).
Banks need to make CCCFA easy for advisers: Gough
23 November 2021 - Banks, finance companies and mortgage advisers are gritting their teeth and bracing for mountains of paperwork as the (not so) brave new world of credit legislation starts next week.
Calls for responsible lending qualifications for advisers
14 November 2021 - The Financial Services Federation (FSF) says it is trying hard to overcome shortages of staff in its sector.
CCCFA an opportunity for advisers
21 September 2021 - Mortgage advisers will benefit from CCCFA lending changes as borrowers seek help with complex home loan applications, according to Squirrel's John Bolton.
Borrowers abandon one year rates
21 September 2021 - Borrowers are less likely to pick one-year fixed mortgages ahead of expected rate increases, with three-year deals becoming more popular, according to a new survey.
CCCFA changes delayed
10 September 2021 - The Government has agreed to delay the start of the Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment act after pressure from the industry.
Death by 10,000 paper cuts
7 September 2021 - The advice industry is undergoing much change, and you could be forgiven if you hadn't noticed what's happening to our brethren - mortgage advisers.
CCCFA changes: What advisers need to know
27 August 2021 - Changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act are set to impact borrowers from October 1. Here's what the amended lending rules will mean for clients.