Articles tagged with 'consultation'
RBNZ outlines options for cash system reform
1 December 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is seeking feedback on issues facing the cash system and options to keep Aotearoa’s cash system fit for purpose.
Enforcement framework feedback opens
20 October 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is seeking views on its enforcement framework to promote confidence in compliance across the sectors the bank regulates.
RBNZ holds back Solvency Standards
5 October 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has postponed the implementation date of the interim Solvency Standard for insurers by a year.
National digital currency/future of cash consultation opens
30 September 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is asking for feedback on two major consultation programmes as part of its "Future of Money" project.
Key consultations to protect policyholders
14 September 2021 - If you care about protecting policyholders, you should look at the current consultations being run by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Consultation opens for rollout of Financial Market Infrastructure Act
27 July 2021 - Groups with an interest in financial market transactions and payments are being asked for their views on how a new law governing the ‘plumbing’ of the financial system should be implemented.
CoFI debate back on agenda
27 July 2021 - After numerous delays and extended rounds of consultation, the Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Bill (CoFI) is heading back to Parliament.
Input from insurers on solvency standards
26 July 2021 - The New Zealand insurance industry is being asked to have its say on a proposed interim Solvency Standard for insurers, which will determine the minimum amounts of capital insurers must hold.
Banks keen on crypto conversation
16 July 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is seeking feedback on the potential for a Central Bank Digital Currency as the use of cash continues to decline.
Reserve Bank to consult on the future of cash
8 July 2021 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand will be consulting New Zealanders over the remainder of 2021 on issues key to the future of how Kiwis pay and save, driven...
ASA asks for industry input as it reviews financial advertising rules
27 May 2021 - The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is looking for feedback as it begins consultation on its review of the Code for Financial Advertising. The ASA...
Tenancy reform Select Committee hearings to go ahead
7 April 2020 - The Covid-19 lockdown may have put a halt to most Parliamentary business but not, it turns out, to the progress of the Government’s controversial tenancy law reforms.
Collaboration key to urban development
11 October 2019 - Central and local government and industry must work together to ensure that the Government’s proposed new urban development strategy is successful.